The Founding Fathers regarded press as the fourth estate of
society (Nicholas& McChesney, 2006). Many researchers and even the Supreme
Court, in matters of Freedom of Press, has argued strongly for the “necessity
of the press as the essential underpinning of our constitutional republic”
(Nicholas & McChesney, 2009). However with the change of times there has
been a profound change in the role and function of journalism. News, many
argue, has changed from being a ‘reflection of reality’ to a commodity which is
‘manufactured’ to maximize profits and fit to the demands of the market to help
gather special interests (McManus, 1999). Nicholas and McChesney further
express their disappointment that despite tremendous discussions on the fall in
standard of journalism, research has mostly taken place “on the symptoms rather
than providing remedies.” Through this reflection note I aim to enlist both the
symptoms indicated in the readings and discussing some possible solutions based
on existing media structures around the world.
In a free market press system is the press truly free? If
not, who influences the press? Herbert Gans has answered “news media is caught
in a tug of war between powerful news sources and consumers.” Other researchers
have pointed out other forms of influence such as political party, powerful
sources, and influence of the environment. McManus argues strongly that the
chief influencers are “the major investors and owners.” Many researchers have also
blamed the new media for the steady demise of the traditional media systems.
The same situation has been reflected in the PEW Reports 2015 where a steady
rise in digital media can be observed along with a gradual decline in
popularity of print, cable etc. Bagdikian writes that “in the reign of the new
media cartel, the integrity of much of the country’s professional news has
become more ambiguous than ever.”
However researchers like Pickard have been less critical of new media.
According to him the internet is not “challenging legacy media , rather supplementing
it by smaller niche audiences, or finding a place in the ecosystem as suppliers
of niche content to bigger media outlets” (Pickard, 2014). Nevertheless he has
critiqued the business models of newspapers trying to tap the digital
environment. He states that each platform requires clear distinct strategies
and effective revenue models (Pickard, 2009). Isaacton prescribes micropayments
for online content ( Isaacton , 2009). Nicholas and McChesney emphasizes on the
necessity of government intervention. According to them, the press is currently
indirectly influenced by the government through subsidies, tax cuts etc. Hence, as complete freedom from the state is
not possible, only government can “through policies and subsidies” provide a
stable institutional framework to journalism.
While all the researchers have been equivocal in spotting
the ill effects of commercialization on journalism, the prescription for
recovery has been few and diverse. To apply these solutions in a real world
model we first try to find the most “free press” in the world.
Nonprofit organization, Reporters without Borders, have been
ranking 180 countries according to the independence of their media systems for
more than a decade. The rankings are based on the following categories
Pluralism, Media independence, Environment and self censorship, Legislative
framework, Transparency, Infrastructure and Abuses faced by the institutions.
According to The Press Freedom Index ( 2015), the current
world leaders in press freedom are
1. Finland 7.52
2. Norway 7.75
3. Denmark 8.24
4. Nether land
While United States ranked 49 in the index, India ranked
136. Articles on the internet show people’s disappointment on the plummet of US
rankings, terming it as “not living up to the First Amendment” (yahoo news,
2014). But an interesting question arises; can the media structure of Finland
provide us with a clue as to attain a balanced, free media?
A case study of the Finnish media shows that the
Scandinavian nation has a very high readership rate. Around 76% of people over
10 year age read the newspaper ( European Center of Journalism, 2013). Thus,
can a big press market assure incentive for freedom of Press? Maybe not always,
as proven by the fact that India is the country with the largest number of
newspapers, yet it is ranked number 136. But the percentage of informed
population and readership rate of news may influence people to demand unbiased
Finland also has a strong union to pitch for reporter’s
rights. The ‘Union of Journalists’ has over 15,500 active members
(, 2014). The Council for Mass Media, Finland helps self
regulate media content, hence minimizing government influence. Thus can having
a strong journalistic union encourage press freedom?
Also, according to Jyrkiainen, “the structure of Finnish
newspaper industry is based on a few strong nationwide newspapers on a wide
regional daily press, and on numerous local papers” (Jyrkiainen , 2009). Thus, does a strong localized press structure
make journalism free from bias?
Lastly, the “Finnish government has made transparency and
information availability- essentially a good journalism- an institutional
prerogative” (Merchant, 2013). The government is said to foster, promote and
safeguard the press. This perhaps brings me back to Bagdikan when he says that
large “communications cartels …(has been) made possible by the withdrawal of
government intervention that once aspired to protect consumers and move towards
the ideal diversity of content.” Thus, what should be the role of government in
Whether Finland can be considered as the perfect model of
press freedom, or the above factors can influence the media environment in any
other country, are questions that demand further research. But in this age when the presence and the strength
of the great watchdog of society, the fourth estate is under threat, it is
essential for society to find an way to restore media to its former glory.
“Going back is not an option, nor is desirable…. We have to move forward to a
system that creates journalism far superior to that of the recent past.”
(Nicholas and McChesney, 2009)
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